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OH & S and the Law for Supervisors

$99.99 CAD


A busy workplace only moves as fast as its supervisors. These men and women who make sure everything comes together at a job site are under a huge amount of pressure, and making mistakes at this level can be fatal. With laws and legislation changing constantly, the modern supervisor must be efficient, knowledgeable, and put the safety of their people above all else. This course will provide a thorough understanding of the Occupational Health & Safety Act and other key pieces of health and safety legislation; the duties, rights, and responsibilities of workers and employers; the details of Joint Health & Safety Committees; and the basics of criminal justice in the workplace. This course, which references Ontario legislation, provides valuable information and best practices that will benefit all supervisors.

This content developer is recognized by the International Competency Assessment Board (I-CAB) for its expertise in this subject matter and is listed as a competency development resource for I-CAB assessment participants.



  • Roles, rights, and responsibilities of workers and employers
  • The OH&S Act and Regulations defined
  • Health and safety representation
  • Joint Health & Safety Committee duties and powers
  • Bill C45 and criminal negligence
  • Criminal justice in the workplace


Approximately 2 hours

Pass Mark

Knowledge testing is conducted throughout the course. Test questions are designed to reinforce the information presented and must be completed by each participant. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Each participant is allowed to repeat the course twice if the course pass mark has not been achieved on the first attempt.


Certficate of Completion

Upon successful completion of this online course, a certificate of completion will be available for download and printing.


If you have any questions regarding this course or any of the others, please contact us.

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